Wednesday, March 19, 2008

big week in news

This week Obama gave a big speech about racisim/his pastor, the governor of New York resigned because of use of money for prostitutes, Tibetans rioted to draw attention to their freedom efforts. So, Why is Bush speaking about Iraq?

Bush: Retreat From Iraq Would Embolden Iran, Fund Terrorists

Today is some sort of thing by bloggers to oppose the war in Iraq. I oppose their opposition to this. We will leave when it is time. Try to influence us, fine. But it seems you spend time on many other things much more productively.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Give up, Rat out your friends, It will all turn out ok...

China is cracking down on the Tibetans - Tibet Governor Promises Leniency; Death Toll Rises to 16 - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
"If these people turn themselves in, they will be treated with leniency within the framework of the law," he said. "If these people could provide further information about the involvement of other people in those crimes, then they could be treated even more leniently."
I am reminded of a time in college when I was brought into an office to be questioned about rumor and innuendo of breaking the rules. I refused to cooperate with the authorities mainly because I knew nothing. I was encouraged to tell on others who were my friends. I can not even imagine a morality that works out that this is a good thing to do.

For the Tibetan protesters it is life and death. Even turning yourself in will only get "leniency". It seems like a hard call to make but hopefully never will.
The way it is:
Dilbert Comic Strip for March 17

Most of the time they like to preface their comments with, "that was interesting", "weeeeell", or "Um, I see, uh."