Friday, March 20, 2009

Climax in the plot of the world

There are 2 things that signify the climax of the plot of most literary works. One is that the main character is alone or alone with just one other person. This is often an internal or dramatic climax.

The other signal is when all of the players are on the stage together. this is usually an external climax and is often action based although it can be dramatic.

Right now all of the players in your life are coming together on the stage. The stage is the internet and more and more people worldwide are coming to that stage. Because of constant updates and constant feedback we are all in the front of everyone else. This is the external climax.

Blogging provides for the other climax. Alone with ones thoughts you walk onto the stage and begin to monologue. The audience may throw out some feedback but ultimately you are alone making your internal climax.

When both of these are happening so much then the climax of the plot of the world is surely upon us. When the climax is reached only the dénouement is left. Dénouement, "the untying of the knot", seems like a wonderful thing given the knot the world is currently involved in.

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